Wednesday, December 12, 2007

African-American and Their Roles in American Culture as Far as Education is Concerned

I think it is evident for more black women to go into the corporate world and become entrepreneurs. As children we are raised to get an education and make our own money so we dont' have to depend on a man. I think as children African-American men are not neccesarily taught the same values. They don't have to succeed in order to be self sufficent it's already a given. They even are cuddle more than their female counter parts. Girls are pushed, at least I was, to go the extra mile while boys are treated like little kings. I have a brother and when we were younger he could do everything I wasn't allowed to do. I had to wait my tuirn being the youngest and female. He ended up joining the air force and I later enrolled in college. Im proud of him but am sure that college and being self sufficent wasn't drilled in him like it was in me.

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