Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jena Six

I've followed this case for a while now. I think it is incredible that people are rallying together for the sake of the youths of Jena, LA. Reading the coverage of the Dallas Morning News, I was happy to read that they were also white people involved. If you were watching the news they focused mostly on the black community. The story I read had the white person's point-of-view more than once and was very interesting. I also noticed how the figures of how many people actually did show-up was different from the police officials and the organizers. The police said there were about 20,000 people while the organizers said there were 50,000 people in attendance. It was a very interesting story.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weekly Report

Progress on my assignment for this Friday's due date is moving slow honestly but will be completed. I had a bit of trouble retrieving an old publication because of the library people that work the microfilm are off whenever I go to look. My search will continue. I already ask my grandma so questions though so I got that out the way:)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

News Habits

I generally get my news from the television. I watch the local news nightly and try to catch CNN or Fox News during the day. Sometimes I'll grab a paper for fun but not usually:) I always look at the headlines on when I check my emails. I watch the news about everyday, I read the paper news about once a week and the Internet news I usually read three to four times a week. I watch everything the news has to show and I love entertainment news, it's very funny to me, plus I love fashion. Online and paper I usually just look at the headline stories. I think I spend about 15 hours a week seeking out or viewing news.
I think the news to some extent exploit minorities to make them seem a lot worse than there are. The media, in my opinion, stereotype for their own bias reasons and rating of course. I think the news would rather report a male figure doing something well over a female figure doing positive work. Lastly, I think people with disabilities are sometimes exploited, in order to keep ratings high for television stations.